If you have diabetes is interesting to know what to put in the mouth, can cause elevated or your blood sugar is low.
The 20 types of health food Nyvzdr here to introduce you to the front elevation that can take your blood sugar.
Most nutritionists recommend that your diet be sure to Include Apple, because Apple has lower calories and fiber is very high and the front is hunger.
Apple is the enemy of bad cholesterol and blood sugar level reduces.
Avocado-rich mono unsaturated fatty acids that causes slow digestion and prevent blood sugar increases after eating is.
Joe can replace white rice up your blood sugar levels after eating about 70 percent and to reduce the hours remain constant.
Fiber slows digestion solvent atmosphere and causes glucose to be absorbed gradually.
Almost all vegetables, fiber can inhibit high glucose.
Can low-fat beef parts and choose one-fourth of your plate at every meal you allocate to it. Deliver as much protein your body can make enough to stay longer and if the slim volume of your muscle tissue loss Nyabd. In addition, protein consumption helps to increase metabolism.
Fleshy fruits and grains
Fleshy fruits containing seeds that one or more colors are available such as red or purple grapes contain natural compounds are called anthocyanins. The researchers say the grain color can reduce blood sugar and insulin production while stimulating the body to be.
Broccoli is rich in chromium, which plays a key role in the long term and to regulate blood sugar are important.
Carrots naturally rich source of beta carotene that can reduce the risk of diabetes and blood sugar can adjust.
Chicken breast meat compared with fat thighs or other parts less. Our recommendation is that you in any circumstances as chicken skin, which is due to eat high fat.
Some researchers believe that eating an egg a day does not raise your blood cholesterol and instead took hours and keeps your garlic.
One of the reasons people with diabetes die of developing heart problems - is vascular. Consumption of fish once or twice a week can make it possible to reduce at least 40 percent.
The other fatty acids found in fish likely to develop diabetes, insulin resistance and inflammation, including the major risk factors for heart problems - is to reduce cardiovascular.
Flax seed
Flax seeds rich in protein, fiber, good fats in fish, the kind that is available and magnesium.
These substances regulate blood sugar and insulin uptake in the cells contribute.
Milk and yogurt
These foods are rich in protein and calcium and can help in weight loss. Of course, this must know that they must use low-fat kind.
On the other hand the material resistance to destroy the insulin.
Walnuts contain high amounts of protein and fiber and fuel that Kennedy eventually turns into sugar.
On the other hand rich in mono-unsaturated fats that are beneficial to health.
All types of grains rich in good fats, protein and fiber that can lower blood sugar and keep developing heart problems - to prevent cardiovascular.
In addition, the material resources that sterols reduce blood cholesterol.
Joey double
Joey biceps fibers containing solvent that is soluble in water and forms a dough. It makes use between digestive enzymes in the stomach and Mydvn molecules (starch) food, there comes a sticky barrier. GI result in longer feed themselves and keep blood sugars are gradually entering.
Olive oil
Olive oil is called liquid gold because it contains powerful anti-inflammatory compounds that researchers are comparing it to aspirin.
People who have a Mediterranean diet and olive oil, fruits and vegetables, whole grains and less meat, eat low-fat diabetes and cardiovascular disorders suffer. Both of these diseases, inflammation in the body following the coming into existence.
Unlike butter, olive oil, good fats increase body resistance against insulin resistance, not even reduced.
Olive oil is also the visitors and makes digestion enter the blood sugar is slow.
The peanut butter
Recent research has shown that consumption of peanut butter can cause appetite and satiety blind person more than once that sugar is low fiber intake.
Meanwhile, rich peanut butter mono unsaturated fats that can adjust blood sugar.
Wholegrain bread
High consumption of white bread can be the body to insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar will increase if the wholegrain bread works exactly the opposite.
Sweet potato
A sweet potato in the oven roast potatoes, 30 percent less than normal blood sugar increases because it contains high fiber and micronutrient that 40 percent of the solvent type and decrease cholesterol and slow digestion are.
In addition, sweet potatoes rich in carotenoids and yellow and orange pigments that allow organisms to respond to insulin. Sweet potatoes also rich Kvrvzhnyk acid ((chorogenic acid. This natural herbal combination can reduce insulin resistance to help.